cam-combiner-init() => nonesource
*blueline-table*: pointersource
*greenline-table*: pointersource
*redline-table*: pointersource
*timeplot-table*: pointersource
*yellowline-table*: pointersource
cam-collision-record: structuresource
cam-collision-record-array: inline-array-classsource
cam-dbg-scratch: structuresource
*cam-debug-coll-tri*: inline-arraysource
*cam-debug-los-tri*: inline-arraysource
*cam-free-move-along-z*: symbolsource
*camera-read-analog*: symbolsource
*camera-read-buttons*: symbolsource
camera-angle() => floatsource
camera-pos() => vectorsource
camera-teleport-to-entity(arg0: entity-actor) => nonesource
matrix-local->world(arg0: symbol, arg1: symbol) => matrixsource
position-in-front-of-camera!(arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: float) => vectorsource
cam-layout: processsource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
cam-entity: entity-camera
num-entities: int32
cur-entity: int32
num-volumes: int32
cur-volume: int32
first-pvol: int32
first-cutoutvol: int32
res-key: float
cam-layout-active: TODO
cam-layout-bank: basicsource
type: type
spline-t: float
spline-step: float
intro-t: float
intro-step: float
debug-t: float
debug-step: float
clm-item: clm-basicsource
clm-item-action: structuresource
button: uint64
options: uint64
func: symbol
parm0: int32
parm0-basic: basic
parm1-basic: basic
parm1: symbol
clm-list-item: basicsource
type: type
description: string
track-val: symbol
val-func: symbol
val-parm0: int32
val-parm0-basic: basic
val-parm1-basic: basic
val-parm1: symbol
actions: array
interp-test-info: structuresource
volume-descriptor-array: inline-array-classsource
*camera-layout-blink*: symbolsource
camera-master-bank: basicsource
list-keeper: processsource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
dummy: float
cam-master-init() => nonesource
in-cam-entity-volume?(arg0: vector, arg1: entity, arg2: float, arg3: symbol) => symbolsource
list-keeper-init() => nonesource
master-base-region(arg0: entity) => floatsource
master-check-regions() => objectsource
master-is-hopeful-better?(arg0: camera-slave, arg1: camera-slave) => symbolsource
master-switch-to-entity(arg0: entity) => symbolsource
master-track-target() => symbolsource
master-unset-region() => objectsource
reset-drawable-follow() => floatsource
reset-drawable-tracking() => symbolsource
reset-follow() => floatsource
reset-target-tracking() => symbolsource
setup-slave-for-hopefull(arg0: camera-slave) => nonesource
CAM_ORBIT-bank: basicsource
camera-orbit-info: structuresource
cam-free-floating-input(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: symbol, arg3: int) => vectorsource
cam-eye-bank: basicsource
collide-los-dist-info: structuresource
min-par: float
max-par: float
min-lat: float
max-lat: float
min-vp: float
max-vp: float
min-vn: float
max-vn: float
count: int32
collide-los-result: structuresource
cam-bike-code() => nonesource
cam-calc-bike-follow!(arg0: cam-rotation-tracker, arg1: vector, arg2: symbol) => vectorsource
cam-circular-code() => floatsource
cam-circular-position(arg0: symbol) => vectorsource
cam-circular-position-into-max-angle(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: float) => vectorsource
cam-dist-analog-input(arg0: int, arg1: float) => floatsource
cam-draw-collide-cache(arg0: collide-cache) => nonesource
cam-los-collide(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: clip-travel-vector-to-mesh-return-info, arg3: pat-surface) => symbolsource
cam-los-setup-lateral(arg0: clip-travel-vector-to-mesh-return-info, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => symbolsource
cam-los-spline-collide(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: pat-surface) => floatsource
cam-stick-code() => nonesource
none () => source
cam-string-find-position-rel!(arg0: vector) => symbolsource
cam-string-follow() => objectsource
cam-string-move() => objectsource
cam-string-set-position-rel!(arg0: vector) => intsource
dist-info-append(arg0: collide-los-dist-info, arg1: vector) => nonesource
dist-info-init(arg0: collide-los-dist-info) => nonesource
dist-info-print(arg0: collide-los-dist-info, arg1: string) => objectsource
dist-info-valid?(arg0: collide-los-dist-info) => symbolsource
los-cw-ccw(arg0: inline-array, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float, arg4: clip-travel-vector-to-mesh-return-info, arg5: vector, arg6: float) => symbolsource
string-push-help() => floatsource
*external-cam-mode*: symbolsource
*external-cam-options*: external-cam-optionsource
external-cam-reset!() => nonesource
move-camera-from-pad(arg0: math-camera) => math-camerasource
plane-from-points(arg0: inline-array, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector, arg4: int) => nonesource
Get a plane that contains the 3 given points.
set-point(arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => nonesource
Set a vector to an xyz point (sets w = 1.0)
update-camera() => symbolsource
update-view-planes(arg0: math-camera, arg1: inline-array, arg2: float) => nonesource
Compute the frustum planes from the given camera.
update-visible(arg0: math-camera) => symbolsource
Update occlusion visibility data for the camera position.
Each level has a bsp. Each leaf of the bsp stores a list of visible objects.
This is used to implement occlusion culling.
The vis-bits of the level will be updated if needed.
Each level has a bsp. Each leaf of the bsp stores a list of visible objects.
This is used to implement occlusion culling.
The vis-bits of the level will be updated if needed.