knuth-rand-advance-seed() => intsource
knuth-rand-init(seed: int) => intsource
knuth-rand-int-range(min: int, max: int) => intsource
knuth-rand-next(bits: int) => intsource
knuth-rand-next-float() => floatsource
knuth-rand-next-int() => intsource
scf-time-to-int64() => intsource
pack system time into 64-bits for randomization purposes.
cspace-map-joints(proc: process-drawable, cspace-idx: int, include-parent?: symbol, func: function, p0: object, p1: object) => symbolsource
run func on all joints' bones that are children of cspace-idx
if include-parent? = #t then also apply to that joint.
if include-parent? = #t then also apply to that joint.
matrix*!-bone-callback(the-bone: bone, is-parent?: symbol, mtx: matrix, a: object) => matrixsource
apply a transform matrix to a bone.
matrix-diagonal!(out: matrix, value: float) => matrixsource
clear matrix and set its diagonal to a value.
process-drawable-joint-callback-pc(obj: process-drawable) => nonesource
custom animation callback for any process drawable
scale-joints(obj: process-drawable, cspace-idx: int, scale-children?: symbol, scale: vector) => structuresource
scale a joint (cspace-idx) in an actor. if scale-children? = #t, also scales all child joints.
target-joint-callback-pc(obj: target) => nonesource
custom animation callback for *target*